Vietnam Renewable Energy Week 2019

Today, September 17, 2019, in Hanoi, Vietnam Sustainable Energy Alliance (VSEA), Vietnam Climate Action Coalition (VCCA) and Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) organize Vietnam Renewable Energy Week 2019. Event will take place from 17-20 September in Hanoi and An Giang. This year’s program aims to create a forum for information exchange, multilateral dialogue to propose solutions to contribute to equitable energy transition and bring the greatest benefits to development. sustainability of Vietnam.

Over the past year, Vietnam has made great strides in renewable energy development. Especially with the record of new solar PV capacity put into operation, Vietnam has become one of the most vibrant and attractive renewable energy markets in Southeast Asia. However, this “rapid” development is also posing new challenges in the comprehensive development of the grid system, land use, electricity price mechanism, human resources / employment and resources. In order for Vietnam to overcome these challenges, it is very necessary to join hands, support and efforts of all parties from policy makers, businesses, researchers, government and the community. Local currency to development institutions or to the financial sector, to banks.

In that context, Renewable Energy Week 2019 focuses on the theme Energy transformation in Vietnam: opportunities, challenges and lessons learned from international countries. This is an opportunity to bring the voices of stakeholders to contribute to the process of promoting efficient and sustainable energy transition in Vietnam, in particular to contribute ideas and solutions to energy development directions. and the upcoming energy planning VIII or development policies for renewable energy and climate, and environmental protection.

A series of events in Hanoi opens with a seminar: The energy transition in Vietnam will update the current status of Vietnam’s electricity system development, what can Vietnam do to meet the energy transition trend. as strong as today? What can Vietnam learn from international friends’ lessons on successful translation? All will be clarified at this seminar.

The importance of employment cannot be ignored in the transition process. The decision on the proportion of renewable energy in power planning 7 adjusted from 6% to 10.7% paved the way for 315,000 jobs created each year from the power sector, in which the number of new jobs created from renewable energy is high. twice as much as fossil fuels. This means that the training capacity of universities and vocational schools needs to adapt to this development trend in order to create a suitable human resource to meet the domestic demand. This content is presented at the symposium: Mobilizing co-benefits of climate change mitigation measures from renewable energy.

Energy transition will be a golden opportunity to attract investment. So, is renewable energy easy or difficult to attract finance? Where does energy finance come from? How is the demand for renewable energy investment from the private sector? How can the industry use renewable energy? This series of questions will be discussed at the seminar on Monday: Green Finance for the Renewable Energy Industry in Vietnam.

The Mekong River Delta is a region with strong energy transition potential, especially An Giang is the leading province in the development of renewable energy. To update the development of RE in the Mekong Delta; sharing local solutions, seminars: Sustainable Energy Transition: Opportunities and Challenges for the Mekong Delta was held on September 20 in Ho Chi Minh City. Long Xuyen An Giang province. The workshop was focused on sharing and promoting initiatives from communities, businesses, and local authorities on distributed and combined renewable energy development models.

As a country with diversified and abundant renewable energy potential, Vietnam will have many benefits from its early transition to clean energy development. Prioritizing energy efficiency and promoting the development of renewable energy will help ensure energy security, reduce dependence on imports of fossil fuels, reduce pollution, protect climate, and public health. , increase access to energy for the poor, create opportunities to attract investment and create jobs for localities to develop economically, promote participation and creativity of the people, Private business entering the clean energy market. Therefore, in order to ensure equitable energy transition, harmonizing the interests of all parties, we need to strengthen dialogue, sharing information, solutions, lessons learned between countries, localities and cooperation. take action to remove difficulties, pave the way to bring clean energy to every Vietnamese house”.  – Ms. Nguy Thi Khanh – Director of Green Innovation and Development Center (GreenID) – VSEA Coordination Agency

The Vietnam Sustainable Energy Alliance (VSEA), formerly known as the Energy Alliance, was established in 2012 by 05 NGOs to promote sustainable energy development in Vietnam and the Mekong region. VSEA is an active partner in the energy transition in Vietnam. Up to now, VSEA has 12 members.

The Vietnam Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) was established in early 2008. The group operates under the auspices of the Non-Government Organizations Data Center (VUFO-NGO RC). The Group’s mission is to contribute to reducing the community’s vulnerability to the impacts of climate change through coordination, policy advocacy and capacity building activities of non-governmental organizations, working towards Sustainable climate change deputy economic and social equity.

The Climate Action Alliance (VCCA) is a multi-stakeholder network working in the areas of sustainable energy, green development and climate change response in Vietnam. The Coalition is committed to take concrete actions to contribute to the government, existing networks and coalitions to contribute to the joint efforts to respond to climate change and equitable energy transition in Viet Nam and Global.


Endless power on the roof, expensive price 2,156 VND / kWh

The buying price of solar PV continues to apply 1 price for the whole country, unchanged in the direction of division according to 2-region or 4-region scenarios. However, the purchase price of solar PV will drop sharply compared to before.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has just drafted a Decision of the Prime Minister on a mechanism to encourage solar power development

Nguồn điện vô tận trên mái nhà, giá đắt 2.156 đồng/kWh
The purchase price of solar power is only 1 price, applicable nationwide.

The most prominent change is with the draft that the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported to the Government more than two months ago that the electricity purchase price for floating solar power and solar terrestrial projects has been agreed in the country (only one region) but no longer divided according to 2-zone scenarios or 4-zone scenario (by radiation intensity).

In which, notably is the change in the purchase price of solar power of grid-connected projects.

Specifically, the electricity purchase price tariff of grid-connected solar power projects at the power delivery point is regulated as follows: Solar terrestrial power projects cost 1,620 VND / kWh, equivalent to 7.09 cents / kWh. The purchase price for the floating solar power project is 1,758 VND / kWh, equivalent to 7.69 cents / kWh. Rooftop solar power project is 2,156 VND / kWh, equivalent to 9.35 cents / kWh.

Electricity purchase price does not include value added tax, is adjusted according to fluctuations of the exchange rate of VND with USD (calculated equivalent to US cents / kWh), the applicable exchange rate is the central rate of VND with US Dollar announced by the State Bank of Vietnam on the date the Electricity Seller issues the payment invoice.

Thus, the price of solar power applied to the grid-connected solar power plants operating after June 2019 will fall sharply, from more than 2,086 VND / number (about 9.35 cents / kwh) to 1,620. This electricity purchase price is applied to part or all of the grid-connected solar power plant with commercial operation date from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021 and is applied 20 years from the date of commercial operation.

Only the electricity price option applicable to rooftop solar power projects will remain the same. Accordingly, the draft still proposes to continue applying the electricity price of 9.35 cents / kWh for rooftop solar power projects across the country until the end of 2021.

Another noteworthy point is that for Ninh Thuan province alone, according to the draft, the purchase price of electricity from grid-connected solar power projects is already included in the electricity development planning at all levels and has a commercial operation date before the date. 1/1/2021 with a total cumulative capacity of not more than 2,000 MW is kept unchanged at VND 2,086 / kWh (equivalent to 9.35 cents / kWh). Grid-connected solar power projects with commercial operation date from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 are subject to the electricity purchase tariff of VND 1,620 / kWh for the solar terrestrial project; 1,758 VND / kWh for the floating solar power project.

In the first drafts, the Ministry of Industry and Trade consulted with plans to divide into 4 regions. In the plan of 4 regions, region 1 (the least potential region, concentrated in the northern provinces) has the highest price (2,102 VND / kWh); region 2 (1,809 VND / kWh); region 3 (1,620 VND / kWh), in particular, region 4 – region with the highest potential (Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan …) has the lowest price of 1,525 VND / kWh. 1 scenario is a 2-zone option. According to the division of 2 regions, the highest price for rooftop solar power in zone 1 is 8.38 cents per kWh (about 1,916 VND); the lowest is 7.09 cents (equivalent to 1,758 dong) per kWh for the solar-ground power project. Zone 2 includes 6 provinces with good radiation such as Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan, … Zone 1 is the rest.


By June 30, 2019: More than 4,460 MW of solar power was connected to the grid

82 solar power plants, with a total capacity of about 4,464 MW, have been checked for conditions and successfully energized by the National Load Dispatch Center – as of June 30, 2019. These projects are entitled to the electricity purchase price equivalent to Uscent 9.35 / kWh, for a period of 20 years according to the Prime Minister’s Decision 11/2017 / QD-TTg.

Among them, there are 72 solar power plants under the control of the National Dispatch Level (A0) with a total capacity of 4,189 MW; 10 power plants are under the control of regional dispatching levels with a total capacity of 275 MW.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Trung – Head of Electricity Market Operations (A0) said that as of mid-April 2019, the whole power system had only 4 solar power plants with a total capacity of less than 150 MW. At this point, solar power accounts for 8.28% of the installed capacity of the Vietnamese power system.

The National Load Dispatch Center, regional dispatchers and related units have gathered all resources, 24/24, overtime, excluding holidays, public holidays in the past 6 months, to coordinate effective for investors for projects energizing on schedule.

It is expected that from now to the end of 2019, A0 will continue to energize and put into operation 13 more solar power plants, with a total capacity of 630 MW, bringing the total number of solar power plants in the whole system to 95 houses. machine.

Nhà máy Điện mặt trời Vĩnh Tân 2 do Tổng công ty Phát điện 3 làm chủ đầu tư đã đi vào vận hành thương mại từ ngày 22/6/2019 – Ảnh: Đinh Liên

Although it is a valuable addition to the system in difficult power conditions, a large number of solar power plants coming into operation in a short time has caused many difficulties and challenges. for power system operation. The reason is due to the uncertainty, depending on the weather of this type of power source.

In addition, the hot and mass development of solar power projects concentrated in some provinces such as Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Dak Lak has caused grid overload of 110 kV, 220 kV in the above areas. .

According to Mr. Nguyen Quoc Trung, since the beginning of 2018, the Center has coordinated with a number of foreign consulting units to evaluate the impact of renewable energy sources on the system operation. Since then, based on the actual development of renewable energy sources, the Center has continued to monitor, research and recommend and propose to Vietnam Electricity the plans and principles for operation. ensuring constant and stable power supply.

Currently, the Center is investing in a number of systems such as: Expanding the incident recording monitoring system, a large area power monitoring system, building a power quality monitoring system to assess the impact of new types of power sources; building a forecasting system of generating capacity of renewable energy sources to give the optimal mobilization plan, ensuring maximum exploitation of this energy source.